The Lana Top & Skirt is a Truth or Dare Affair exclusive from Mutiny in Heaven. The skirt is a skater style skirt with a few subtle pleats and a banded waistline. The top is a great fitting tube top. The pattern for both top and skirt is a batik pattern. There is also a pair of off-white panties included in a underwear layer and Omega applier.
The Lana Top & Skirt is available in blue, mint, and rose. They are made for Belleza Freya/Isis/Venus, Maitreya, Slink Hourglass/Physique, TMP, Tonic Curvy/Fine as well as the five standard mesh sizes.
This lovely hairstyle is called Edith and it's an exclusive at Twe12ve from Charme. This hairstyle is parted in the middle with some long hair left down in the front and the rest of the hair pulled back into a knot. All the following color come with purchase of this hair at Twe12ve: black, brown (shown here), dark brown, ginger, light blonde, light brown, magenta, medium brown, natural blonde, ombre, platinum, red, sunny blonde
The BodyFy exclusive from Dark Passions Koffin Nails are the Etched Heart Nails. These nails have soft solid color background on which there is large etched nail. The applier HUDs for Slink, Maitreya and Omega have 12 options from which to choose. Six have white tips and six have dark tips. The event price for each single applier HUD is 100L. The Fatpack which includes all the applier HUDs is 275L at the BodyFy Event.
The Stupid Cupid stopped at Lushish Catz and left an arrow behind. The gift you will get for finding it is the La Rosa Tattoo. This is an upper body tattoo that covers both arms and the middle of the back. It's a rose with a long stem with leaves on the arms and the same on the back but with a vine on either side. There is a dark version and a white version (not shown here). There are Mega Applier HUDs for regular and white version that includes appliers for Lola, Maitreya and Belleza. There are separate applier HUDs for Slink and TMP
What I'm Wearing
Body - Lara Mesh Body [Maitreya]
Head - Annie Mesh Head [Catwa]
Shape - Lisa [Amacci]
Catwa Applier - Jolie Mixed Type [DeeTalez]
Eyes - Hope Eyes - Rustic [IKON]
Hair - Edith [Charme @Twe12ve]
Nails - Etched Hearts [Dark Passions Koffin Nails @BodyFy]
Tattoo - La Rosa [Lushish Catz for Stupid Cupid Hunt]
HINT: Stop looking at yourself!
Top/Skirt - Lana [Mutiny in Heaven @Truth or Dare Affair]
Heels - Roma Sandals [KC Couture]
Necklace/Earrings - Cora Necklace & Earrings [RealEvil Industries]
Relevant Links
Mutiny in Heaven
In-World -
Market Place -
Dark Passions Koffin Nails
In World Store -
Marketplace -
Lushish Catz
In-world store -
Marketplace -
BodyFy (Feb 8 - Feb 24) -
Truth or Dare Affair (Feb 4 - Feb 28)
It's year 2 for the TRUTH OR DARE AFFAIR. Our month of love and lust event starts Feb. 4th and runs through the end of the month. Designers will bring you their sexiest, sultry and sweet designs, to help improve your love life!
Stupid Cupid Hunt
That Cupid, he's so STUPID! Flying around, shooting arrows everywhere, flipping around making everyone dizzy, trailing little hearts wherever he goes. He's trying to make love matches all across SL! He has no clue what he's doing, going from store to store and shooting random things-he's making a mess of the place, shooting anything he sees. Find the arrows he's left laying around SL for amazing gifts from our designers. The Hunt begins on February 3rd and runs until February 28th.Website:
Twe12ve (Feb 12 - Feb 28)
monthly event that begins on the 12th of each month and ends
at the end of the month. Each month will have a different
theme and the designers participating will offer
exclusives that fit the theme. The theme for February is
gorgeous work hon - and thank you!